Friday, November 19, 2010

Skyler and her plants again

This week we read The Empty Pot by Demi. Skyler really wanted to see if she could grow a cooked seed so that is what we did. She also worked in her little plant activity book that came from a Magic School bus monthly club and we read some more in the plant chapter of Our Fathers World Science. We played a game that I made out of a bulletin board set called Plants On Your Plate and she really enjoyed that.

Here she is getting ready to put her seeds in the oven. While they cook we are going to go out behind the barn and get some dirt.

She was really cute digging for dirt. She is such a tomboy princess LOL.

Seeds turn black when you cook them, didn't know that but then again, why would I ever have cooked a seed before?

The little Plants Activity book and her Plants On Your Plate game.

Doing a page in her Our Fathers World Science. She had to draw her fave fruit and fave flower. She is really taking to drawing and coloring lately.
These are little Window Greenhouses I bought years ago and packed away and never used. Well we filled them with green bean seeds and popped them in the window of our school room. She is having so much fun with the plant study. I think starting all the nature stuff is what turned her to it. She does not miss Winterpromise Animals and Their Worlds at all. I love WP but if it is not a good fit for the kids then it is time to change it up! Of course there are tons more really cool pics on the other page if you wanna check those out.


  1. What science book is that? Love the little green house windows!

  2. Plants on your Plate looks great. I'd like to do something like with my kids. We're big plant eaters here!! Hope Skyler's experiment is a success!
