Friday, October 21, 2011

We once again started our tree study!

This is our sycamore tree that greets us at the gate. I don't know why but I will have to say it is the favorite tree in the yard! I had the kids go out one day and do a drawing of the tree. I told them to look at the colors and the leaves falling and think about how the tree is changing for the season. The next day they went out and drew a leaf. Again being told to look at the colors and the details. I think my kids are not all ready for that kind of drawing because the idea of what I thought they would do and what they did was wayyyy different. Then I decided that it won't be fun for them if I push so I am just following their lead on this one and letting it be fun!!

A very pretty leaf Skyler brought in. She always brings me nature for inside she says!

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